Why Birth Photography
My past experience as a nursing assistant with a birthing center captured my heart a long time ago. Babies and children have always been my first love. Photography a near first. When I had my daughter I had exactly one family member in the room with me: My mom. She was a great support emotionally, but you know what she wasn't? A photographer. I have a total of 6 photos of my daughter after she was born. And half of them are blurry. I was exhausted, over emotional, and after 21 hours of labor, I was not with it to say the least. I only have bits and pieces of the one time that I met my daughter for the first time! That's why I jumped in.
Your support team is there to support you. Not emotionally pull themselves away to take photos of the insanely intense emotional moment your child is born!
I have always taken on the roll of a doula supporting you and your partner through labor and delivery. I am now a certified doula ready to serve your growing family all while documenting these life changing moments.